Lutfi Hanku, myhib Bektashi, has passed away!

Today, at the age of 89, Myhib Bektashi, the well-known intellectual, Lutfi Hanku, passed away. As a mayhib, he was and remained until the end of his life a practitioner, a devout believer and a spreader of the peaceful Bektashi faith. In his literary and journalistic works (40 of them), Bektashism occupies an important place. With his death, the Grandfather of the Bektashi World, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, has consoled the family, relatives and friends of Lutfi Hank. Among other things, his message states: "On the occasion of the passing away of our brother, Myhib Lutfi Hanku, I express my pain and offer my condolences to family and relatives, believers, for the passing away of the well-known Bektashi and intellectual, who, as a scholar and intellectual, gave a lot to our faith. In his books, an important place Zena and Bektashi events, the role of this peaceful faith and its personalities. Farewell our brother!".
Lutfi Hanku was born in Zerqan of Dibra on 4.4.1933 from a middle-class, patriotic family with Bektashi faith. He grew up an orphan. He completed his first studies in his hometown. He was active as a pioneer in the fight against the Italian-German invaders. After the liberation of the homeland, he continued his studies at "Normale school" in Elbasan and "Uniken" in Peshkopi. In 1948-1952 he attended the pedagogical school in Peshkopi and finished in Shkodër. He worked with dedication as a teacher in the 7-year school of the city of Bulqiza, Kastriot, Zerqani and education inspector. In 1956-1960 he graduated from the State University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology. From 1960-1992, teacher of the Albanian language in the secondary schools of the city of Peshkopia. He directed school literary circles, libraries and scientific cultural artistic activities. It has been awarded in national competitions for drama, artistic ensembles and variety shows with medals from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Since the 60s, he has published in the monist press descriptions, literary sketches, stories, short historical-literary monographs in compilations with many authors and in newspapers and magazines of the monist and pluralist system. Three telefilms about the heroes of Dibra have been shown on TVSH. In 1974 he published "In the footsteps of the hero" and in 1980 he republished "Nazmi Rushiti". In 2000 "Kaçaku", in 2003 "Light of the soul". In 2006, the novel "Erdhi Caushi came", in 2009 "Marsi i murada" (historical-literary work). In 1975, member of the League of Writers and Artists of Albania. Decorated twice by the Presidium of the People's Assembly, awarded three times with the certificate "Knowledge of the Nation", awarded by Bulqiza "Citizen of Honor". He ran the "Dibra" newspaper for some time.
Author's books
1- "The first meeting" (novel and stories, Tirana. 1972, p. 113).
2- "Why the violin bow trembled" (stories, 1974, p.100)
3-"Repentance of the bear without a tail" (puppet piece, 1975. Second prize in the National competition of the 30th anniversary of the Liberation of the Motherland.
4-"An incident at sea" (stories, 1977, p.82)
5-"The city of sand and the real palace" (stories, 1978, p. 75)
6-"Bear without a tail" (fairy tale, 2001, p. 55).
7-"The incredible adventures of Bato" (novel-tale, 2002, p. 60. First prize in the Competition announced by the association of writers for children)
8- "Castrated happiness" (novel, 2002, p.135)
9- "Green sadness" (novel for teenagers, 2003, p. 68
10-"The fifth season" (poem, 2003, p.100).
11-"After the meeting with the aliens" (novel, 2004, p. 142).
12-"When the Clock of Tirana slept" (novel, 2011, p. 350).
13- "Dibra e Madhe and a look at Dibra e Vogël", (psychosocial monograph, second prize in the competition announced by AIITC, Tirana, 2010. 650 pages).
14-"Dibra e Madhe" (monograph, 2003, 344 pages).
15- "Adolescents and transition" (study, 2000, p. 150)
16- "Recitation technique" (guide, Pristina, 2001, p. 86)
17- "Recitation technique" (two parts, 2001, p.70)
18- "Written works, their criticism and assessment" (study guide, 2002, p. 107)
19-"Among the alternatives: private-non-public schools" (monograph, 2002, p. 192).
20- "Teacher of Struga" (monograph, Struga, 2009, p. 150)
21- "Open the golden gate of reading" (guide, 2004, p. 120)
22- "100 years of independence, 100 figures of Dibran", 2012, p.316)
23-"Albanian language literature 11" for high school, (co-author) Tirana, 2010.
24-"Sociology", (text for the Faculty of Nursing, UT, 2009, p. 194).
25.- "Albanian language 4" (textbook, 2007, 2008, 2009, p. 240)
26- "Albanian language 6" (Tirana, 2009, p. 280))
27- "Literary reading 8" (school text, Tirana with 12 years of reprints, from 1993, 2008, p. 270).
28-"Literary reading" ("Erik" publishing house, 2006, p. 240)
29-"Literary reading 8" Prishtina, (2003, -2006, 2007, p. 272)
30- "Literary reading 5" for schools of national minorities, (1995, p. 259)
31-"Albanian language 8" (2009, p. 256)
32-"Sociology of education" for master, (Tirana, 2011, p. 200)
33-"In the footsteps of the hero", 1974, (monograph)
34-"Nazmi Rushiti", 1980 (novel)
34-"Kaçaku", 2000 (monogrfather)
35- "Light of the soul", 2002 (historical novel)
36-"Erdhi Caushi Came", 2006 (novel)
37-"The Killed March", 2010, (historical-literary work)
38-"the rebel tear", 2012, (novel)
39-He is the author of three documentary films, with the theme of the heroes of Dibra.
40-He is the author of about 100 stories published in three collections with the title "Different Stories"