On Wednesday, November 24, 2021, in the Holy See of Bektashi Headquarters, was held a scientific conference, with the topic, "Scientific conference for the establishment of the Bektashi World Center in Albania". This important event was attended by leaders of the religious faiths of Albania, historians and theologians known from the country and all over Albania, state personalities and many believers. Initially, the participants were greeted by the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.
Greetings from the Bektashi World Leader
… Today we organize the Scientific Conference for the establishment of the Bektashi World Center in Albania in the framework of the 30th anniversary of the reopening of the Bektashi World Headquarters and the 80th anniversary of the assassination of the Bektashi World Leader, Sali Niazi Dede. On this occasion, as the World Leader of the Bektashis, I wish all Albanians, wherever they have enjoyed the day of the flag, the day of freedom, the day of fortune of our nation. I believe that I share the same opinion with you, all here, that the day of freedom is related to the life and work of hundreds of brave and wise men who, with rifles and pens, opened new paths for the fate of our nation. Among these bright names of martyrs and ideators of the nation, undoubtedly belongs the pure name of the Bektashi faith, Sali Niazi Dedei. I am sure that the Scientific Conference today, in the careful research of professors and researcher, will further enrich the tradition and history of Bektashism in Albania and beyond. This great Bektashi, World Leader in the years 1914-1925, closely followed the culminating events of his country, Albania. Although he was in charge of the Bektashi-Turkish World Center, although he could make efforts and take initiatives to send this center to different parts of the world, he preferred that this sacred gemstone be kept as such, pure, bright, in our Albania. It is a pride for all Albanians and our country that this man established the Bektashi World Center in Albania. Starja e Kolonjës, the birthplace of this clergyman, thinker and excellent organizer, has been and will remain a life of national pride. But, proud will certainly be the Albanian dervishes and fathers, who welcomed him with love and Bektashi brotherhood and together, laid new tasks in the path of our Enlightened Piri, Haxhi Bektash Veliu. Sali Niazi Dede came to Albania on January 28, 1930, with a clear vision and full of hope that the world center of the Bektashis, being located in the south-west of Christian Europe, would not only live in peace and coexistence with other religious faiths. , but would also contribute to harmony between religions. The third congress of the Bektashis in the tekke of Turan Korça, had decided on September 26, 1929, that the World Center would be Albania (certainly with the agreements and talks with the Albanian kingdom of that time). This is because, at the core of Bektashi doctrine, it has been and will forever remain the great idea according to the Holy Qur'an, love and brotherhood, to love one another regardless of color, race, ethnicity or social status. Indeed, his activity and efforts showed that regardless of the origin, regardless of the location in Tirana, of the Bektashi World Center, that this prominent Bektashi leader, took care with the same concern, for every tekke wherever they were, from Preveza to in Budapest, from the tekkes of Bosnia to those of Bulgaria and Thessaloniki. In particular, the contribution of Sali Niazi Dede, was in the rebuilding of tekkes in southern Albania. Having always been attentive to the culminating events of our nation, he had known the demolition, burning and destruction from the foundations of Bektashi tekkes in the years 1913-1914 by Greek and Kemalists, especially in Gjirokastra, Tepelena, Përmet, Skrapar, Kolonjë and Gramsh. With the wisdom, the love that characterized him, our high, wise old man, revived in the early 30s, dozens of tekkes. This resurrection, he always saw closely connected with the sending there, of the pious dervishes and fathers, preparing them with the sweet word that went straight and into the soul. As my myrrh, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi, put it: “By commemorating the assassination of World Leader Sali Niazi Dedei, we are, in fact, commemorating the efforts and sacrifices of hundreds of Bektashi clerics. Our motto: "Pa atdhes'kafe" has always scared the enemies of Albania. Sali Niazi Dede has been and remains the inventor and builder of the magnificent building of Bektashism in our country. He has been and remains the model of the clergyman with great knowledge, wisdom and tolerance. He has been and remains the first reformer of this faith in our country. By elevating Bektashism to high levels of representation, giving them in this spirit new acquisition ”.
Here is how Bedri Noyan conveys the information about the testimony of Dede Salih Nijazi, during his visit to the Bektashi tekke in Gjakova, from father Qazim Bakalli: “When he came to Albania he was invited by the representative of the Italian king and they also asked the leaders other spirits who have written praises for the Italians and the kingdom, poju will not write? Dede SalihNijazi had replied: "I am the spiritual leader of the Bektashis, I am not the leader of a political party, I do not do political work." When they insisted that he write such a letter, he addressed them: "We have a piece of advice for leaders, to talk to them once." Leave him alone, do not speak — the Italians had said and killed him the next day. Grandfather was in the garden, outside the perimeter wall. After spending some time with the dervishes, he went to sleep. At that moment they attacked him. The watch found in the tekke and carried by the grandparents has been in the tekke. They took and allegedly created a crime scene theft. "In fact, they wanted to take him out on the street and beat him, but a dervish heard his grandfather's voice and went to help, but they also hit him." 80 years ago, shooting at Sali Niazi Deden, the murderous hand shot at the high patriot, just as much as at the high cleric. In essence, the Albanianism of Sali Niazi Dede, was organically linked to the wonderful faith he represented and led. This major contribution of ours has been proved by the situations, the generations testify today and the generations to come will speak. I am sure that by commemorating today, Sali Niazi Deden, we respect not only the lives of hundreds of our fathers, but we convey powerful messages of peace and religious coexistence, all over the world remember and work the Bektashis. God bless you all! Amin! ”
After the Bektashi ancestor, greeted: The Vice Chairman of the Muslim Community, Taulant Bica; The President of the Orthodox Community, the representative of the Catholic Community and the Community "Evangelical Brotherhood", Ylli Doçi.
Following, the researchers delivered their papers: Prof. Dr. Ferit Duka  "A historical overview of Albanian Bektashism in the Ottoman period"; Prof. Dr. Valentina Duka: "The Bektashi community in Albania between the two world wars";
Prof. Dr. Migena Leskoviku: "Legislation of the Zog period for religious communities and evolution to date."; Prof. Bardhosh Gaçe, with "The arrival of the World Leader of the Bektashis, Sali Niazi Dede, in Albania"; Prof. Assoc. Enriketa Pandelejmoni, with "Communist state and repressive policies against the Bektashi clergy in Albania"; Prof. Kalliopi Naska with "The role of the democratic system in these 30 years that brought the reopening of Bektashism in Albania and in the world."
Subsequently, the numerous participants, together attended a rich photographic exhibition.
Also, the activity was followed and widely covered on television and print media, present at this event.

(Photos: Nuri Çumani)

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