Sultan Novruz Ceremony in the Afghan community, Shëngjin-Lezha

Today, March 24, 2022, was celebrated the day of Sultan Novruz in the Afghan community in Shengjin-Lezha, organized by the American Council for Education with the participation of the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj, who after the day prayer of Sultan Novruz made one and one more brief greeting.
The festivities were accompanied by various presentations by Afghan students of how Sultan Novruz's Holy Day is celebrated in the Afghan tradition, accompanied by a special food table and festive dances of this new spring day, the Persian New Year.
On the occasion of this holy day for the Bektashis and the first day of spring, the World Grandfather brought you a cake with the symbolism of two flags, the Albanian and the Afghan flag, and then, together, planted some olive trees in the resort where Afghans are accommodated in Shengjin.
In the end, everyone sat down to lunch together, as a sign of friendship of this worldwide holiday.

Greetings of the World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj:
Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahim! In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Dear my Afghan sisters and brothers! Dear Representatives of the American Councils on International Education!
I am very happy to be with you today to preach the prayer, and the emotions and hopes that the blessed day of Sultan Novruz brings!
The feast of Sultan Nowruz marks the beginning of the new year, and coincides with the birthday of Imam Ali at the Kaaba. This day is the day of the great resurrection. On this day everything is resurrected, hope is born, resurrection for all mankind. It is a new day, when everyone hopes for a better, peaceful and prosperous future.
As loyal followers of the tariqa of Islam, at the same time today, we celebrate the birthday of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, whose life and work, remain an example of a spirit of holiness, among the Muslim family. The precious qualities engraved in His personality still remain today, the point of reference and inspiration not only in our approach to the seas and heavens of religious mysticism, but also in the plane of current human developments.
Sisters and brothers!
In these difficult times, when the world is facing wars and atrocities, in the murder of innocent young people and children, sons of mothers and fathers of children, of eager and bloody people for occupation and power, we call for peace, freedom, independence, renunciation of bombing and destruction. On this new day we pray to the Most High God for protection and help, blessing and hope.
Our message, prayers and blessing on this new Holy day goes to you, your families, the children of the elderly, to find the peace of mind and the desired hope, that the souls of your loved ones who are not with us today may rest  in peace, and that your half of the heart that is not near you may join you as soon as possible.
With this message of prayer, blessing, acceptance, hospitality, kindness, and compassion, I assure you that whenever necessary the Bektashi World Headquarters, the Holy See, will have its gates open and the table set for all these families. who will be in need, and the hearts of the Bektashis will be opened to these long-suffering peoples.
This difficult, painful, bloody and destructive situation, not only for the peoples who are in a state of war but for the whole world, makes us spiritually and wholeheartedly close to each other not just to express feelings of solidarity , but above all to be as close as possible to those who lost their loved ones, who lost their shelter, and the table with food, to those who are suffering from these wars.
We live in a time when peoples must be free and independent, the family as the embryo of a developing society must live happily and not divided, not killed and destroyed ... As Imam Ali says "Do not  become a slave to others when Allah has created you free ..."
We are confessing even in these difficult days, to be united in both families, the biological and the spiritual, praying to the Great God to give us strength and hope for the days to come, with the prayers that the flourishing of this new day , will awaken hearts and new hopes will flourish!
"Help and you will be helped ....". Imam Aliu
God bless the Afghan people and the state of Afghanistan!
God bless us all! Amin!

Bektashi World Leader's Prayer for All Afghans:
In the name of God whom who have great power and much mercy.
O Lord, You are the first and there is nothing before You!
You who are the last and after you there is nothing!
You who are visible and there is nothing above you !
You who are inner and without you there is nothing!
You who are wise and intelligent !
You who have been before everything!
You remain after everything!
You do what you want and enter in the heart of Man!
You are invisible in height and space!
You hear and see everything!
You are the Lord of everything!
Complete our desire and remove boredom, help us fulfill our obligations for the sake of the Prophet and his blessed, pure sons!
Please forgive us!
O Lord You are the only , that meets our requirements and from You we have support, O Savior!
O God, for the sake of the call of the great Ali, who is the indicator of wonders, we find in our help in times of danger, to call for every sorrow and despair, to help us for the sake of your great light, O God, O God , O God and for the sake of the light of the Prophecy of your Prophet!
O Muhammad, O Muhammad, O Muhammad and for the sake of your holy light, O Ali, O Ali, O Ali; O Ali the Father of Hasan of Husayn and the Earth, resolve the troubles and despairs that surround me!
O Protector of all , on the Day of Judgment, O Possessor of beauty, of Maturity, O Possessor of Authority and seriousness, O God, for the sake of Husayn, his grandfather, his father, his mother, his brother and his sons, save me from every danger, sorrow and despair what threatens me!
O Lord with Your invisible power and with Your infinite mercy, O The greatest helper, O The changer of hearts and the changer of sights, and of every shadow and of every time, change your life for the better for the sake of the beloved, the thirsty of Your mourners!
There is no brave man like Ali, no sword except Zylfikar!
O God accept the above mentioned for the sake of the Profet His Holiness Muhammad and Imam Ali.
Let's be thankful!
Hyy Doost.
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Thank you O God that you have made this day a day of joy, for all the creatures on this planet, with the birth of the brilliant light of Alijjyl Myrtezaj, in the glorious Kaaba, your true lion, protector of your path, destroyer of the wicked, your representative throughout the face of the earth, endowed with Divine qualities and knowledge!
For the sake of him and of his work and of his heirs, O Lord forgive unforgivable mistakes and shortcomings. Save all humanity from fear and horror!
May God give birth to good men and leaders to rule justly among the Peoples, and make us faithful inseparable from the light of Ali Myrtezaj, from that light which you, O God, with your majesty, have adorned and sanctified!
O Saints, O Savior, O Generous, O obedient and pure, O Companion of the light of Fatima Zehra, O heir of the Profit and its banner, O Possessor of visible and invisible knowledge, O Destroyer of the fortress of Khyber, O The Protector of all on the Day of Judgment, O Lord of Beauty and Maturity, O Lord of Authority and Seriousness, O Father of Hasan and Husayn, O Father of the Earth, O Light of holiness and truth, O You from Heaven the praise descended!
"La Fetta il - la Ali, humbly pray do not separate us from your light and make all the deserving humanity from east to west lie under your banner, which is peace, freedom, unity and brotherhood for all.
May your ruthlessness weigh on those who knowingly betray and violate your laws and traditions.
May your ruthlessness weigh on those who, for their selfishness, terrorize and kill humanity in Blood.
O Light of Holiness endowed by God Himself in this universe: Helper, flag bearer and deputy of the Prophet Muhammad: the light of the twelve Imams and all the saints in the World; We humbly pray.
May God bless us all!

Sheldiana Jano ( Agaraj )