Telegraph journal: Bektashi believers donate blood to people in need!

President Ilir Meta thanking the Bektashis for the humane act. Dede Edmond Brahimaj: Blood donation, an act that springs from the Bektashi spirit to save people’s lives!
Yesterday was a very special day for dozens of Bektashi believers and their friends, as part of the initiative “Donate blood, save a life”, came to the premises of the Bektashi Holy See in Tirana to donate blood to help of patients in need. The blood donation, announced days ago, found a massive support from Bektashi believers, benefactors and friends of the Holy See, from Tirana, Kruja, Durrës, Tepelena, Elbasan, etc.… In this symbolic act of the Bektashis, was also present the President of the Republic, Mr. Ilir Meta. For this, the Holy See, under the care of the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, in cooperation with the ‘Alliance for Blood Donation’ and the relevant health institution, had taken all necessary measures, since the conditions of medical examination, assistance before, during and after blood donation, up to the transfer of donors to the respective destinations, where they came from. “It was a solidarity of our clergy, administration officials in the Supreme Council and the country’s Dedelik, which found widespread support among many clergy and believers, who with the act of blood donation, showed that Bektashi believers, in any period and wherever are, in addition to preaching love for God, work and contribute to more brotherhood, peace and love for one another, for human help and solidarity, for people in good health that society and the nation need. Even the set of measures we took was in full compliance with the conditions dictated by the pandemic situation. With this act, the blood donors showed nobility and human love, whom I greet from the bottom of my heart, I wish them health, luck and kindness to them and their families “- stated among others for the newspaper” Telegraf “, the Bektashi World Leader His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.

Blood donation
In the early hours of yesterday, many benevolent Bektashi believers came to the premises of the Holy See to donate blood. While the delivery started at 08:30, as expected. The Bektashi World Leader, Dede Edmond Brahimaj, and other clerics, Hisen Sulejmani and Xhuli Carkani, also sat on the blood donation bank. “Because of the pandemic conditions, we thought there would not be so many volunteers to donate blood. They had come from many districts of the country, but our appeal was answered by many intellectuals, journalists, historians, writers, etc. Only from Kruja, the number of donors who were ready to donate blood, was over 40_-claims Nuri Çuni, Secretary General of the Bektashi World Headquarters. In the donation queue, but also behind the premises of the Holy See, we talk with many donors such as historian Naim Deraj, photographer Marild Muça, editor Edrit Xibri, businessman Elton Miraku, 57-year-old Faik Loci from Kruja, 47-year-old Ilir Pengili , 57 year old Fatmir Kasa from Kruja, etc. They call blood donation a duty, because this gesture saves many lives of people who have this vital element necessary.

President Ilir Meta and Grandfather Dede Edmond Brahimaj
Among the blood donors was the President of the Republic, Mr. Ilir Meta. Together with the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, met together, talked and thanked them for what they did. In the end, President Meta and the Bektashi World Leader responded to the media interest that followed this activity. Among other things, President Ilir Meta praised the extremely humane gesture that comes in these difficult days, not only from the summer but also from the pandemic. Meta said that the gesture of all Bektashi believers is to be appreciated and welcomed as they are saving lives. “I thank our World Leader who immediately responded to the request to contribute the faithful and their community in a very delicate moment for blood donation, when it is known that not only because of the summer season, but also the challenge of the pandemic is very necessary to organize such a session not only today, so that children with thalassemia, but also others who have transfusion necessary have all the possibilities, to be served with dedication and efficiency. I thank our Grandfather for this immediate response, I thank their believers who today throughout the day will continue to give blood “- added among others President Meta. In the presence of the President, Ilir Meta, the Bektashi World Leader, Dede Edmond Brahimaj, said the Bektashi World Headquarters, has been found and is always close to people in need. “The donation of blood by the Bektashi World Headquarters is done to save a life. We are close to people in need, to be united in this moment of difficult pandemic that has invaded the globe. “Thank God for giving us the opportunity and the believers so that we can do our best to come to the aid of people in need today,” said Dede Edmond Brahimaj, among others.

Prepared by: K. Borici