Ten years, without Dede Reshat Bardhin!

Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj: Dede Reshat Bardhi, was and remains a spiritual leader of international proportions, endowed with high religious values, nobility, patriotism. He has the indisputable merit in reviving Bektashism!

By Nuri ÇUNI
Secretary General
Bektashi World Headquarters

Ten years without the Bektashi World Leader, Dede Reshat Bardhi! Dede Reshat Bardhi passed away on April 2, 2011, while the official funeral ceremony took place on April 4, 2011. This high religious figure had the special respect of millions of Bektashis around the world, of religious communities, states, diplomats, Albanian politicians and the whole people.
“The commemoration of this anniversary, which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Bektashi Holy See, is an event marked for millions of Bektashis around the world…” Dede Reshat Bardhi, was and remains a spiritual leader of international proportions, equipped with high religious values, nobility, patriotism, tolerance, enlightened, always ready for understanding and respect for thinking differently. He has the indisputable merit in the revival of Bektashism… “- affirms the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.
Dede Reshati, this renaissance of Bektashism, on March 22, 1991 ignited the spark of the reopening of the Bektashi World Headquarters and tekkes and tombs in Albania, after the banning of religion by law in 1967, brought consequences for all religious beliefs in our country. He said: “It is a great privilege and honor for a small country like Albania to have the Headquarters of the World Headquarters of Bektashism. May God give love, blessing and brotherhood among the believers. ” Dede Reshati continued in the wonderful tradition of the Bektashis, since the early national renaissance in the issue of the Albanian language, nation, peace and represented by the personalities of great people who have made the history of Albania such as: Skanderbeg, Ali Pasha Tepelena internal in Bektashism, brothers Frashëri, Naimi, Abdyli and Sami Frashëri, Çerçis and Bajo Topulli, Ismail Qemali, Arqif Pashë Elbasani, Ahmet Zogu and many others. Dede Reshati has left traces in the eight hundred year history of Bektashism, especially for Bektashism in our country, along with the Grandfathers who ruled the Holy See from January 28, 1930, when the former Grandfather Sali Niazi Dede came to Turkey from Albania (which led to 1941) and then by: Ali Riza Dede (1941-1944), Kamber Ali Dede (1944-1945), Xhafer Sadik Dede (1945-1945), Abaz Hilmi Dede (1945-1947), Ahmed Myftar Dede (1947 -1980), Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi (1991-2011), Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj (from 10.06.2011 onwards). In the street of Haxhi Bektash Veliu
He received the love and wisdom of Dede Ahmeti. Dede Reshati recalled: “I knew him (Dede Ahmeti) when I was 17 years old. He entered my life and remain there, until my last breath. He took me by the hand and introduced me to the bright path of Bektashism, to the path illuminated by our Piri Haxhi Bektash Veliu. Dede Ahmet Myftari has been and remains a heavy stone in the foundations of Albanian and world Bektashism. With his wisdom, ingenuity, courage, this devout cleric for ten years in a row, carried on his shoulders a series of problems, which our pure Bektashism faced. He never cried, never complained, never let himself down even in the most difficult situations. In particular, his courage and bravery shone during the difficult years of internment in the village of Drizar in Mallakastra. Dede Ahmeti’s resistance rarely appeared there. The small tekke of Drizari, that lost place, with its irreplaceable role, with almost divine responsibility, became the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters. “. During these years 1967-1990 Bektashism in Albania has operated illegally. Bektashi believers (myhybs) kept secret connections, using various occasions, such as memorials and birthdays, to celebrate mourning,  etc. After the death of Dede Ahmeti, on July 10, 1980, the leadership of Bektashism was led by Dede Reshati (appointed Caliph according to Decree No. 1 dated 30. 6. 1967). He …… .. read the book “Hadikaja”, at the house of Rexhep Bardhi (brother of Dede Reshati), Haxhi Qoses, Hysen Brahimaj and other families. This was done at various dinners, commemorating Dede Ahmeti, every July 10, in the families of Skënder Gazheli and others in Kruja. This continued until the 1990s, before the Headquarter opened. Rexhep Bardhi’s house, where Dede Reshati lived, was turned into a small tekke. Likewise, in the farm “Gjergj Dimitrov”, where he worked, around himself, gathered believers who honored and respected him, for keeping alive the apprentice, Haxhi Bektash Veliu.
Missionary Dede Reshat Bardhi
Prepared and clothed dervishes and fathers throughout the 20-year activity, kept close and prepared his successor Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj. The special respect for Dede Reshati was shown in the homage on April 2 and 4, 2011, with the raising of the National Half Spear Flag, as well as the proclamation of a national day of mourning, which was accompanied (April 4) by homage at the Palace of Congresses and the final , in the Holy See, in the tombs of the dedelers… It was a great pain. The Bektashis everywhere in the world lost their spiritual leader and missionary of peace. But, his figure and work will remain valuable in the memory of all believers and every Albanian. Everything he did to educate and spread the faith in Almighty God. He was the perfect model of the pious man, the eminent leader of Bektashism, the personality with high moral virtues that has characterized him throughout his life, wisdom, generosity, kindness, tolerance. The revival of the cult objects of the Bektashi faith, the revival of the great hope in this faith gave impetus to the vital work of Dede Reshati from 1991 until the end of his life April 2, 2011. In the years of transition, the Bektashi faith was the first in building bridges of tolerance and acceptance of each other, but also of love and gratitude with other neighboring nations, as narrated a century ago, the head Bektashi Naim Frashëri. Even when religious extremism and blind fanatics appeared, Reshati’s wise voice calmed the souls. As a great fortune, but not only for the Bektashis of Albania, he has always known how to rise above the logic and content of the immediate concerns, becoming a model of the army of believers who approach the spiritual treasures with confidence. The agreement of the Albanian State with the Bektashi World Center in Tirana, for the recognition and mutual cooperation between them, in 2009 has opened new dimensions in the activities inside and outside the country for the Bektashi community. His life and work will remain a historical monument for the Bektashis everywhere in the world. There are many condolences from personalities of religious leaders, government, diplomats, various institutions, inside and outside the country.
Biography of Dede Reshati
Reshat Bardhi was born on March 4, 1935, in the village of Lusën in Kukës. At the age of 6-7, he begins to learn to read and write in Albanian and Arabic from the imam of the village, who had completed higher religious studies in Istanbul. He instilled both the first theoretical expressions as well as those of the practice of Muslim religious rites. In 1944, Bardhi family took the road and settled in the suburbs of Tirana, very close to the place where today is the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters. Reshati continues his lessons at school, while spending his free time studying the Qur’an. Thanks to his religious inclinations but to traditional Bektashi tolerance and love, he enters into long and pleasant conversations with dervishes and fathers who were in the Supreme Court. In the early 50s of the last century, Reshat Bardhi attracted the attention of the World Leader of that time Ahmet Myftari, who saw in him not only mystical and religious tendencies but also examples of a deep loyalty. He becomes the spiritual leader of Bardhi and according to Bektashi rules leads him to the mystical path of Haxhi Bektash Veliu. In August 1954, Reshat Bardhi was dressed as a dervish. 195 In 1958, Grandfather Ahmet Myftari, together with dervishes Reshat Bardhi, were interned in Drizar of Mallakastra. In the years 1958-1967, dervish Reshati would experience a difficult period of persecution, but he does not shy away from his spiritual leader nor from the practice of Bektashi religious rites. In the tekke of Drizar, believers from Kosovo and Delvina, from Kruja and Përmeti, from Dibra and Vlora, from Tetovo and Skrapar would secretly go. The truth is that the tekke of Drizar was transformed into the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters. With the demolition of religious places in Albania in 1967, dervish Reshat Bardhi returned to Tirana to experience other physical and spiritual pain. He worked until 1991 as a manual laborer, never losing faith in God. He lived during this period with his brother, Rexhep Bardhi and his relatives, and not infrequently these houses served as tekkes, in which the belief in Bektashi philosophy and mysticism was secretly kept alive. World Leader of the Bektashis.
With the permission of religious beliefs in 1991, Cleric Bardhi, reorganized Bektashism in Albania with all its structures. Unanimously from the highest international decision-making bodies, Reshat Bardhi was proclaimed the World Leader of the Bektashis, entitled “Dede”, at the VI Bektashi Congress of 1993. Dede Reshati revived the Bektashi faith, revived from the ground the cult objects inside and outside the territory of Albania, while giving an excellent example of religious tolerance. Dede Reshati participated in international conferences and meetings of high religious levels in: On March 22, 1991, she hosted at the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters, Mother Teresa and some sisters of her order from Colombia and Spain. In November 1991, together with the first Albanian Muslim pilgrims, he went to Mecca, where he was received by the high religious authorities of Saudi Arabia and, as a rule, received the title “Hajj”. In February 1992, Dede Reshati went to the Bektashi community in Detroit, USA, where he was received by Baba Rexhebi, who established the first Bektashi tekke in Detroit-Michigan, as well as high-ranking religious figures of other faiths. In May 1993, Dede Reshati was received by the former chairman of the Alevi-Bektashis of Turkey, Mr. Bedri Nojani, who organized, among other things, a meeting with senior religious representatives of Istanbul and Izmir. In August 1993, he visited the tekke-museum of Haxhi Bektash Veliu in Turkey where he was received by thousands of Bektashi believers who came from the Asian part of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, etc. He was also received at a special lunch by the Mayor of the city, Haxhi Bektash. Since 1991 and until he passed away, in the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters, Dede Reshat Bardhi has received at every religious holiday, the President, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Albanian Parliament, the Ministers and all the ambassadors of the diplomatic corps of accredited in Tirana. In 1994 and 1995 he went twice to Iran where he was received by the top leader of the Ahl al-Bayt foundation, Mr. Hossein Miri, as well as senior religious figures from Iran, India and Kuwait. In March 2001, Dede Reshati was invited to a special audience by Pope John Paul’s at the Vatican. In August 2002, in Haji Bektash, Turkey, he was received, among others, by the Turkish Prime Minister, Ecevit. In October 2002, he participated in the OSCE-ODIR International Conference in Azerbaijan, where he greeted on behalf of the Bektashis. In October 2003 he was invited to the Vatican, where he attended the consecration ceremony of Mother Teresa, along with religious leaders from all over the world. He visited again Pope John Paul and high Catholic religious authorities. In February 2004, he also participated in the World Conference on Peace and Tolerance organized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Conscience Appeal Foundation. His speech at this event is greeted with applause. In April 2004, Dede Reshati participated in the Alevi-Bektashi symposium in Germany. In October 2005, on the occasion of the VIII World Bektashi Congress, he received the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, Mr. Atilla Koç, the Prefect of Nevshehir, and the Mayor of the city, Haxhi Bektash. In December 2005, he greets in Prishtina the Congress of the Albanian League in the World, where he is also received by the Minister of Culture of Kosovo, Mr. Astrit Haraçia. In May 2006 he received at the Holy See of the World Headquarters in Tirana, the Secretary of the Vatican City, Mr. Giovanni Lajola, where, among other things, the friend said: “You are the Pope of the Bektashis!” In June 2006, World Grandfather Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi received the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament, Mr. Bylent Arinc, at the Holy See in Tirana. He hands over to the Grandfather the decoration “For outstanding peace services” of the parliament of Turkey. In August 2006, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi participated in the World Conference of Religious Leaders in Kyoto, Japan. He met there with the most prominent religious personalities of the whole world. In July 2007, he was received in Pristina by Mr. Kouchner (currently Minister of Foreign Affairs of France). On the occasion of the re-establishment of the Gjakova tekke, he received the European representative in Kosovo, Mr. Joakin Ryker. In October 2007, at the head of a Bektashi delegation, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi is received in Istanbul by the Muslim leader of Turkey, Prof. Ali Bartokogly and the Chief Mufti of Istanbul Mustafa Cagrici. In November 2007 he participated in the world conference on interfaith harmony in Ohrid, Macedonia. Welcomes this Conference and is received there by the Prime Minister of Macedonia, Mr. Gruevski. In June 2008, the World Leader was invited to Ankara by the Muslim leader of Turkey, Prof. Ali Bartakogly. He participates in the decoration ceremony of the Mystical Music Ensemble and prays in Koxha, the mosque of Ankara. Also expected from the leaderMuslim theologians. In September 2008 he was received in Tirana by the Prime Minister of Turkey Taip Erdogan. On October 13, 2009, he was received by Canadian Senator Noel A. Kirsella, during his visit to Tirana. In May 2010, in Çorum, Turkey, he was received by the Turkish Minister of State and given the symbolic statue of peace, for his outstanding contribution to the field of religious tolerance.
Appreciations for the senior clergyman
After a serious illness, Dede Reshati passed away on April 2, 2011. He was decorated with the medal “Torch of Democracy”; Order “Naim Frashëri i Artë”; Order, “Gjergj Kastriot Skënderbeu” etc.… In September 2015, (after his death), he was awarded the Order “National Flag” by the President of the Republic of Albania, and is an honorary citizen of Tirana, Kruja, Kukes, Berat, Frashër, Kavaja, Bulqiza, Gjirokastra, Mallakastra, Elbasan.
He remains a prominent figure of Bektashism in the unwavering stance of Hak,’s contribution and revival of Bektashism in Albania and consolidated ties and cooperation with Bektashi communities around the world.
Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, continuation of the road of Dede Reshati
Dede Reshati kept Father Mondi with him and had his deputy, entrusted him with every important task for the Bektashi World Headquarters until he passed away in April 2011. The High Parent Council and the General Council, on June 11, 2011 Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, who is continuing the path of Dede Reshati. During the 10 years of his leadership, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, in addition to the ongoing initiatives of the most valuable Bektashi traditions, was received by high religious and state personalities in the US, France, Turkey, Belgium, Switzerland, Iraq, Italy, etc. . He enjoys the support of Bektashi communities around the world. During this period, the World Grandfather, with a clear vision, was able to realize the completion of the multifunctional Odeon started by Dede Reshati, which has the Bektashi Museum, Archive, Contemporary Library, etc., which have been praised by high state personalities, culture and art. , domestic and foreign. Odeon, is considered unique in its kind, a real miracle of world Bektashism that is enriched day by day, under the special care of His Majesty, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj. The registration of Bektashi families, in order to identify Bektashism in Albania and in the world, is an ongoing initiative. Dede Edmond Brahimaj made the realization of the will of Dede Reshat Bardhi, the completion and grand inauguration of the Bektashi Shrine in Tirana, on September 7, 2015, which was attended by personalities from many countries around the world. Dede Edmond Brahimaj’s meetings with Pope Francis, on May 10, 2016, at the Vatican; meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Istanbul, Bartholomew I of Turkey in September 2016; evaluation this year by the UN World Peace Academy with the title “Doctor Honoris Causa” etc. Dede Mondi has an internationally recognized merit, in Albania and in the world, and for the contribution he has given and gives the continuous messages of cooperation of peace and brotherhood in the world. The march in Paris (Peace March) in January 1915 left its mark, which surprised all the peoples of the world. The experiences of that day are and will remain alive in the memory of celluloid in the world: Groups of people who had not finished ran fast to reach the homage, followed by applause, and enthusiasm, accompanied by applause and cheers, from hundreds of thousands of citizens from all over the world ‘Albania, Albania .. ”; the four religious communities, Bektashi, Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic, tied hand in hand with each other, saluting by hand, throughout the walk on the boulevard ,. In the Albanian language they called ‘Mondi, Mondi, bravo, bravo…’. This showed the unity and religious harmony in Albania, as in no other country in the world. It was a message, for the whole world religion. The vision of the Grandfather Haxhi dede Edmond Brahimaj is clear as the light of the sun, in the continuation of the path of Dede Reshati, in the wonderful tradition of Bektashism.

Prepared for publication, by Kujtim BORIÇI