The 11th anniversary of the election of Dede Edmond Brahimaj, World Grandfather of the Bektashi, in the central media

As Dede Reshat's student, Great-grandfather Edmond Brahimaj, not only fulfilled the realization of these projects, the construction of the "Odeon" in the Holy See, mosques and tombs throughout the country and beyond, but also marked a number of other achievements in the spread of the Bektashi faith, increasing the ranks of believers, giving messages of unity, religious coexistence, peace and kindness. Today, on this day, the Grandfather of the World, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, welcomes congratulations in the Holy See, from many believers, personalities, etc.
Today marks 11 years since the day when the cleric Dede Edmond Brahimaj was elected to the highest position of the Bektashi tariqat, that of the Leader of the World Bektashi Community. This important day marks the starting point of His maximum dedication to furthering the projects started by Dede Reshati. As Dede Reshat's student, Great-grandfather Edmond Brahimaj, not only fulfilled the realization of these projects, the construction of the odeon in the Holy See, mosques and tombs throughout the country and beyond, but also marked a number of other achievements in the spread of the Bektashi faith, increasing the ranks of believers, giving messages of unity, religious coexistence, peace and kindness. Today, on this day, the Grandfather of the World, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, from congratulations in the Holy See, from many believers, personalities etc...
Election of the World Grandfather of Bektashism
Dede Edmond Brahimajt was elected to the office of World Grandfather Bektash after the death of Dede Reshat Bardhi, one of the well-known personalities of Bektashism in over 800 years of its existence, who, among other things, has the special merit of reviving the Bektash belief and objects of this faith, after the political changes of 1990 in Albania. The decision that chose Dede Edmond Brahimajn as the Chairman of the World Bektash Community was made on 11.06.2011. Among other things, this decision states: "In implementation of Article 21 of the Statute of the Bektashi World Chief Justice dated 26.07.2009 as amended and approved by Court Decision No. 4760/1 dated 22.12.2009, the Supreme Judicial Council, in cooperation with The Clerical Council, gathered today on 11.06.2011 in the grounds of the World Bektashian Patriarchate, Decided" 1-Election of Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj, to the office of President of the World Bektashian Community..."
World Grandfather of the Bektashians
Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj was born in Tirana on May 19, 1959. He is originally from the village of Brataj in Vlora. He completed military and legal higher education. On January 2, 1992, he began life as a cleric, with the blessing of his spiritual leader, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi and Baba Bajram Mahmutaj, thus finally being framed in the path of Haxhi Bektash Veliu. On May 16, 1996, he was consecrated with the Dervish Order and was immediately assigned to the Bektashi Grand Mosque of Turan, in Korça. On April 13, 1997, he was decreed with the title 'Father'. In 1997, he was appointed the Deputy of the World Grandfather of the Bektashians. On 21.02.2006, he was also appointed as the leader of Bektashism in Macedonia, based in Tetovo, simultaneously holding the position of World Vice-Grandfather of the Bektashians. On 11.06.2011, by the decision of the High Grandfather Council of the Bektashi World Grandfather, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj was elected to the high position of the World Grandfather of the Bektashians. Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj is one of the clerics of the high Bektashian hierarchy who has made a special contribution to rebuilding the structures and infrastructure of Bektashism, in Albania and in the world.
Commitment to Bektashism
From 1992 onwards, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj has participated in various trainings of prestigious international organizations, doctrinal courses, symposiums and various activities of a religious, humanitarian and social character, where he has referred, bringing his voice to them. and the experiences of Bektashi communities around the world. In 1996, he referred to Tehran regarding Bektashi tolerance in the Balkans. On June 14, 2003, at the International Conference "Religions and Civilizations in the New Millennium", he referred to the challenges of Bektashism in the future. In June 2004, as one of the representatives of traditional Albanian religious communities, he visited the White House in the USA. He went to the USA through the US Department of State and the US Embassy in Albania, for the recognition of religious diversity in the USA. It has maintained special relations with the Bektashian Grandmother in Detroit, USA, in Teqe e Baba Rexhepi, an important center of Bektashism, which became the main center of Bektashism during the time of the prohibition of religion in Albania, and has participated in various activities in this Grandmother. He holds the title "Ambassador of Peace". He participated several times in the celebrations of August 16 in Haxhi Bektash in Turqisa, where he was received by senior leaders of the Turkish state and the "Haxhi Bektash Veliu" Institute, near the Gaz University in Turkey. He was present and contributed with his lectures in various activities in Tirana, Skopje, Pristina, Ohrid, Istanbul, Ankara, Afiyon, Stuttgart, Cologne, etc... Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj has received many thanks and high consideration from the governments of Albania, Macedonia, civil society, etc. The accredited diplomatic body in Skopje has highly appreciated Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, as a cleric with a significant contribution, especially in the fields of interreligious coexistence and religious harmony and as a promoter of the values ​​of Albania as a model country in the world in these fields .
For the contribution made to Bektashism in the world, peace and harmony in Albania and beyond, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, has been given many official recognitions and social organizations. Among them we can mention: "Ambassador of Peace" in 2004, "Honor of Korça District" in 2004, "Honorary Citizen" of Zerqan-Bulqizë Municipality in June 2014, "Honorary Citizen" of Martanesh-Bulqizë Municipality in June 2014, "Honorary Citizen" of Bogovë-Skrapar Municipality in August 2014, "Honorary Citizen" of Frashër-Përmet Municipality, in May 2014, "Outstanding Personality of Labëria" in February 2015, "Honorary Citizen" of Fier District in March 2015, "Honorary Citizen of Berat District" in May 2015, "Honorary Citizen of Bulqiza", the title of "Knight of the Order of Skenderbeu" in September 2015, as well as in 2019 he was honored by the City Council of Memaliaj with the title of "Citizen The Honor of Memaliaj".

Prepared by Kujtim Boriçi