Is commemorated in Vlora The 421st anniversary of the founding of the tekke “Kuzum Baba”.

Hundreds of local and new Bektashi believers gathered on Friday, April 2, 2021, in Vlora, to commemorate together the 421st anniversary of the founding of the tekke “Kuzum Baba”, one of the famous Bektashi buildings for the ancient centuries tradition of this peaceful belief.
The mass participation and rites of this day, took place under the measures of protection against the Covid-19 pandemic. The relevant ceremony and activities of this day were attended by the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj. It was father Sadik Ibrokodheli who, after welcoming the World Leader, informed him about the measures about the activity and other problems faced by the institution and the Bektashis of this region. Father Sadiku thanked the World Leader, among other things, for his contribution to the recent reconstruction of the ancient tekke of “Kuzum-Baba”. Then, at the relevant ceremony, greeted the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Hajji Dede Edmond Brahimaj, who among other things said: “Dear Bektashi believers, friends and benefactors of the Kuzum-Baba tekke! I have the honor and privilege to be with you today, on this blessed day of pilgrimage, and let me wish you all: Happy this feast of the Ahl al-Bayt! May the Exalted Lord grant every wish to you and your families! May life be in the attention of Kuzum-Baba as well as the dozens of dervishes and fathers who have served in this tekke! The Bektashi order, as it has been revealed by historiography, has taken its first steps in the Albanian territories, since the beginning of the 14th century. And since this time, we find the bright traces of Haxhi Bektash Veliu in the area of ​​our Vlora. Starting with the tekke of Kuzum-Baba, followed by the tekkes of Kanina, Smokthina, Kurora e Malit, Gjormi, Gorrisht, Shkoza, Golimbas, as well as dozens of holy places, our tariqat grew day by day, inspiring wisdom and peace, not only in our bosom, but also in relations with other religions and beliefs. This precious tradition, conceived almost seven centuries ago, still continues today, to keep us united in the believers, under the great idea that religion and homeland are always inseparable. In particular, the tekke of Kuzum-Babai has played a prominent role not only in Vlora and its surroundings but also in Mallakastër, spreading through its clergy, the spirit of cooperation and trying to organize and direct our rites, based on codes customs and laws derived from the wisdom of Ballam Sultan. The Bektashi doctrine was preserved in this half with the utmost care, and the clergy who served here, enriched the tradition with the highest human principles. The tekkes of Vlora, like those of all Albania, together with the unwavering faith in God, nurtured in the generations of believers, the purest feelings of individual freedom and our national independence. The clergy who have served here, such as: father Sali Matohasanaj, father Ahmet Turani, father Bektash Aliaj, father Abedin Agaj, dervish Qebir Metlliu, dervish Xhelo Sinani, etc., have left their traces of eternal physical sacrifice, spreading the light of faith, conveying through their knowledge, the most valuable human features to thousands of followers of our tariqat. They were able to keep our faith clean, because their physical and spiritual life was and remains a living example of devotion to the Creator. I also take this opportunity to remember today the son of Vlora, Dede Ahmet Myftari, who served for a short time in this tekke. His religious and human abilities, his foresight in the development of religions in Albania, have left their mark, giving honor and glory to the very name of Haxhi Bektash Veliu. Even when he was in the high office of the Bektashi World Leader, Dede Ahmeti took care at every moment that this tekke and the Dedelik of Vlora, reflect the same wonderful light of Bektashi generosity and wisdom. Honor and respect, for Dede Ahmeti, as well as all the clergy of this Dedelik through the years! It has been more than a year since the world pandemic was secretly attacking us, causing pain and drama, in our biological families, but also in the large tariqat family. Today I also thank my brother, father Sadiku Ibrokodheli and the secretary of Vlora, Fredi Lila, for the recent work on the reconstruction of the tekke and the measures for today’s activity. This is the reason why our pilgrimage days do not have their former participation or liveliness. But we hope that with the help of Lord, as well as the will of our care, this great evil will be removed very soon. Therefore let us not become spiritually disconnected from one another. Let us offer love and help even in these times, without ever losing hope that we will gather again for celebrated in the courtyards of our tekkes. Let us unite prayers for the good of ourselves and all humanity. God bless us all! Amin! ”
World Grandfather Dede Edmond Brahimaj, in continuation, received and talked with many believers, local leaders, and guests who had come this day to Vlora, to commemorate together, the 421st anniversary of the founding of the tekke “Kuzum Baba”. In the end, the conversation with Bektashi breath and songs continued at the joint lunch, prepared on this occasion.

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