...The Albanian Bektashee Tariqat is not a snow, it is the seed of the flower of the civilization, which if the ones that have it in their hands do not know how to sow it, they would rather poke it.
Father Ali Tomorri
The first data for the Bektashee tariqat in Albania are given by Evlia Celebi, died around 1680, who talk for the visits he paid at the Bektashee tekkes of Kanian and Vlora region. The Bektashee tekke of Kanina it is said that it has been build by Haji Bektash and the groom of Sultan Bajazit II.
Other researchers call attention to the period of the establishment of Sultan Murat II (1421 - 1451), together with his soldiers in Albania.
During the time of the rule of Mehmet II (1451- 1481), the saints like Kasëm Father, Piri Father, Jemin Father, Hysejn Father, have spread the Bektashee tarikat in different places of Albania, while during the rule of the Sultan Bajazit II (1481 - 1512), many Bektashee tekkes have been build in Albania.
The Bektashee missionaries have been sent to Albania in small groups of 3 people: one father and two dervishes. Between the first missionaries sent to Albania were Father Ali Horasani, in Krujë, Dylgjer Hysejni, in Elbasan, Father Arshi in Gjirokastër and many others. All of those went to Albania between centuries XIV and XV... The first Bektashee tekke was built in Gjirokastër in the XVII century. This tekke was founded by Father Asim. Later on the famous tekke of Father Shemin was build in Kruja... After some times Father Xhefai Ibrahim founded the most important tekke of Elbasan. In the same times it was opened the tekke of Kastoria under the lead of Father Rustem...
Xhevat Kallajxhi
The map on the spread of the Bektashee tariqat in South Albania, (Hascluck) and the map of Babingerit (1962)
The Genealogy of the Bektashee Fathers of Kruja tekke and decree of the Ministry of Cults for the administration of tekkes, 1912.


Sari Salltik
From Hadhrate Himself
Khalife are called,
Thirty six thousand,
Occupying the whole world.
From all of them He kept,
Three hundred and Sixty,
Wherever they deserved,
They were distributed.
In the whole world,
And to all mankind,
They had a strong duty,
To spread the Islam.
Sejjid Xhemali Sulltan,
With Sari Salltek Sulltan,
Were chosen by Pir,
The world to light.
Haji Bektash Veli - "Vilajet Nameja"
Sari Salltik came in the Mountain of Kruja on 1325, from May to September. The people was in destitution and poverty sick by many diseases as jaundice, pock, leprosy, antrax etc. Once people learned for the coming of Sari Salltiku with two dervishes, they asked for help. His real name is Sherif Hëzër or Muhammed Buhar.
According to the narration of the Vilajetname of Haji Bektash Veli, Sari Salltëk has been a simple shepherd, but Haji Bektash Veli has said: “Salltëk we let you on the Bizantin places” and as consequence he has been given the sacred duty and transformed into a spiritual personality and left to Balkan.
...my son! I ask from you to follow my advices. Live with justice and according to the law. Behave well with people. Don’t ever eat haram. Do not put your hand on the wealth of other people. Do not poor blood unjustly. In no way run off the war. Do not be proud with wealth and power. Do not be afraid of tyrant and cruel ones. Love the wise men and the innocent ones and keep them close to yourself. Abide by the religious rules. Pay attention to the knowledge and adoration”.
Sari Salltëk

The tomb of Sari Salltik in Shkëlzen Mountain - Tropojë
The holy place in mountain Pashtrik, - Has
The cave of Sari Salltik –mountain of Kruja
The footprint of Sari Salltik - Krastë, Krujë
The cave of Sari Salltik - Mamuras
The good place - Laç
The footprint of Sari Salltik - Shijak
The village of Radë - Durrës
The stone of Salltik - Dhemblan, Tepelenë
Sergjik on the mountain Lazarat - Gjirokastër
The field of Zenjel Aga – in outskirts of Peja
The village of Zagatar Opojë, Prizren
Tyrbe in Babadag - Kostancë, Rumani
Blagaj - Bosnjë-Hercegovinë
Kalikara - Varnë, Bullgari
Ohër - Maqedoni
Korfuz, Çamëri – Greqi
Other places:
Turqi, Rumelifener Sarijer (Istanbul),
Turkistan, Afganistan
Iznik (Bursa), Bolu (Nigde),
Kastamonu, Manisa, Kytahja,
Babaeski, Dijarbakër
Hozat (Tunxheli),
Krime (Rusi), Kaukaz Mountain,
Egypt, Portugal, Lybia, Tunizi,
Etiopi, Alger, Marok, Indi, China and Arabia,
Gjermani, Cezh Republic, Sllovakia, Poland, Spain