The evaluation ceremony of the Interreligious Council of Albania with the high Decoration “Honor of the Nation” by the President of the Republic, Sh.T.Z. Ilir Meta

The Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, participated today, March 22, 2021, in the evaluation ceremony of the Interreligious Council of Albania with the high Decoration “Honor of the Nation” by the President of the Republic,  H.E.Mr.Ilir Meta.
The high decoration “Honor of the Nation” was given with the motivation: “In appreciation of the comprehensive contribution to the preservation and promotion of the spirit of harmony, understanding and coexistence between religions in Albania. For clear messages addressed to the believers of Albanian politics to aim at peace, unity, progress and orientation towards patriotic values ​​for a common and optimistic life; as well as for the important role in raising the Albanian model of inter-religious dialogue in the international arena ”.
President Meta also praised the role of religious leaders in the country and the importance of the Interreligious Council of Albania.
“The spiritual, cultural and religious harmony of our people is associated with His best qualities, with faith in God, as well as the love of freedom of speech, belief and thought.
Throughout their history, the Albanian believers have coexisted not only in celebrations and sorrows, but also in all the battles for freedom, for independence and in the most significant moments of our nation.
The sword of dictatorship would fall equally mercilessly on all the leaders of the religious institutions, placing at the same time pickaxes on mosques, churches and tekkes.
Therefore, the re-establishment of cult objects, 30 years ago after the brutal and unprecedented 23-year ban of the faith, preceded the December ’90 Movement and united again the Albanians of all faiths for the overthrow of the dictatorship. “
Afterwards, the Head of the Interreligious Council for 2021, the World Leader of the Bektashis, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, spoke, praising the decoration of IRCA with the high medal “Honor of the Nation” emphasizing that: Albania Interreligious was established precisely to promote our interfaith harmony and national brotherhood by the four leaders of traditional communities in Albania. The challenges are many, but we can overcome them through spiritual ways of approaching the Creator. “With our current spirit we will enrich this tradition, knocking on the doors of Europe, we hope for their opening, but always with our religious, cultural and human identity.”