The reaction of the World Leader, His Grace H. Dede Edmond Brahimaj for the recent event in the Dine Hoxha Mosque

Believers of Islam,
We are all shocked by the event that took place in the Dine Hoxha Mosque, we condemn this shameful act, which violates and insults the importance of the cult objects of our Muslim brothers.
Ramadan, this holy month of sacrifice is in itself a high moral reward,  which must be respected and to which we must bow with kindness and faith, therefore we see such events as intolerable and unforgivable.
I wish and hope that justice will be done for the guilty person and we wish speedy recovery for the believers.
May God help us all in these difficult days!

World Leader of the Bektashis
His Grace
Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj