The World Grandfather of the Bektashis, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, participates in the “Naimi Frasheri Days”, in Përmet

The World Grandfather of the Bektashians, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, participated in the scientific and cultural activity "20 Years Naimi's Day", organized in the city of Përmet and Frashër, on May 24-25, 2022, by the Nationwide Cultural Association. The Frashëri Brothers", in collaboration with the Municipality of Përmet, the World Bektashi Headquarter, the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Rahovec, of Kosovo. On the afternoon of May 24, in the premises of the Përmet Multicultural Center, a Scientific Conference was held with the theme "National renaissance and the contribution of the Frashëri brothers". The World Grandfather of the Bektashians, His Holiness Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, the Mayor of Përmet, Mrs. Alma Hoxha, academics, Marenglen Verli, Beqir Meta, historian Kastriot Bezati, poets from different regions of the country, students from the Municipality of Rahovec Kosovo, from Kumanova in Macedonia and participants from Përmeti, Fieri, Tirana, etc. The activity started with the greeting of the President of the Association "Frashëri Brothers, Mr. Tomorr Kotorri, who emphasized that on the 176th anniversary of Naim Frashëri's birthday, we feel proud that in these 20 years we have held scientific conferences, keeping alive the spirit of the Frashëri brothers, of these great torches that led to Albania's independence . Then he greeted the World Grandfather of the Bektashis, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, who, among other things, emphasized: "..Brothers Frashëri, Avdyli, Naimi, Samiu constitute the special trinomial of Albanian history, culture and literature. The contribution that these three incomparable renaissance scholars have given to the nation of the Motherland with their pen is the most valuable and important contribution of the time of the Albanian National Renaissance. No matter how diverse their contributions were, Abdyl Frashëri the politician, Naim Frashëri the poet, and Sami Frashëri the ideologue and scholar, these three brothers from the village of Frashër in southern Albania, had one thing in common: the deep aspiration and desire ardent for self-determination of their people who were suffering under the Turkish yoke. The special contribution that Naim Frashëri has given to Bektashism has rooted the Bektashi faith even deeper in hundreds and thousands of Albanians around the world in your work, which is physically small but so great and unparalleled in the literary point of view. The notebook contains an introductory presentation of the Bektashi religion and ten religious poems that give a rare picture of our Bektashi faith, which in the nineteenth century played an important role for the survival of Albanian culture, especially with the secret spread of Albanian books.
"This path is the path of kindness, friendship, wisdom and brotherhood. All are in man, even the true God himself. That when he had to go out on the square, he made a man with his faces."
Golden verses quoted in this Masterpiece of this great renaissance that was born in the cradle of Frashër, and today the whole world mentions it, it is a pride for the Bektashi, that the picture of this mystical path was written and embroidered so beautifully by an Albanian renaissance and International.
The pride of a people fighting for freedom and the love for Albania, which permeate this poem, are expressed succinctly in a part of the poem:

Great and true God,
And all you good ones,
Don't leave us bad and desolate,
Running away in the dark.

I'm sorry Albania,
Happiness and freedom,
Gas instead of mourning,
And all the goodness.

Give the Albanian light
The real God sees you
Find out the favors
To know the truth.

..He interwoven the faith of the Albanian so beautifully with prayers to the Exalted God, faith is a word, but it is the trunk and foundation of the promise of every Albanian:
"Bes' of the Bektashi is a wide path, which has before it wisdom, brotherhood, friendship, love, humanity and all goodness. On one side there are the flowers of knowledge, on the other side the truth. Without knowledge, without truth and without brotherhood, one cannot become a true Bektashi. According to the Bektashinj, the whole is God himself."
Despite this kind of pantheism and universality, the Bektashi beliefs of Naim Frashëri have a strong national color: "The Bektashis are not only among themselves, but with all humanity they are brothers and sisters." They love their souls and others, Muslims and Christians, and get along well with all mankind. Even the natives love the Motherland more, because this is the best of all good things... To strive day and night for that

We believed God,
Even Muhammad Ali,
Khadijah and Fatimah,
Hasan and Hysen too.

the twelfth imams,
that were true,
We have mother and father Alina,
That left us the wisdom.

First we have Xhaferre,
With all the other friends,
We have for humanity,
Elder Haxhi Bektash Velina.

That was from that door,
So he got all the honor,
Our faith is one i mean
And that word is not lame.

It is the word of God,
That humanity needs
It's a real word,
And not dead for life.

It's not idle talk,
"Do good, don't do bad," he says.
He who holds this word,
He can't come out lying.

These and many other golden verses that make this Masterpiece for the Bektashis the priceless treasure of a heritage that will remain for generations.
Another work of similar size, published in the same year as the History of Skanderbeg, is Karbala, Bucharest 1898, a religious epic of twenty-five cantos, which tells of the battle of Karbala in Iraq in 680 AD, where he was killed Imam Hussein, grandson of the prophet Muhammad. Many elements of Naim Frashër's religious worldview can be observed here, especially the pantheism on which he pondered in the verses of the Notebook of the Bektashians.
In the last song of Karbala, we read:

"..We believe in the true God,
It is the universe itself,
Without him, he would have gone nowhere,
That is the be-all and end-all.

Wherever we look,
We look at his face,
All this life is,
Oh God, it's real!

Flowers, blooming,
They show his beauty,
That's the rose,
Herself and the nightingale,

But when you wanted, real God
The page comes to life,
Then he made man.

The importance of the Frashëri brothers as poets of the Renaissance and even as 'national poets' lies in the talent of literary expression and the artistic level of the works, above all in the social-political, philosophical and religious messages they have conveyed, which were primarily aimed at awareness national and, following the Bektashi tradition, to overcome the religious divisions within the country and to prevail in an inter-religious harmony that we are proud of even today. Their influence on Albanian writers at the beginning of the twentieth century was extraordinary. Since he was alive, many of his verses were sung, while he raised the Albanian language to the level of a refined and beautiful literary language.
Just as Naimi would write the Bektashian prayer to God so beautifully, so I want to finish these words of greeting for this now annual and so honorable event and above all in these difficult times of war that affect all of humanity!

...Great and true God,
May we be blessed forever,
Give us health and strength,
Friends of all mankind.

Be wise and good,
Give me mercy in my heart,
Forgive all wisdom,
Kindness and knowledge.

Don't leave us in the dark
Confession in the light of the soul
Let's recognize the goodness.
God bless us all! Amin!”

...Continuing greetings, Mayor Mrs. Alma Hoxha, who on this occasion gave the Mayor of Rahovec-Kosovo, Mr. Latif Smajli, the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Përmet". After him, academician Marenglen Verli, announced the study, "Abdyl Frashëri in the rise of national identity" and then, academician Beqir Meta with the announcement "On the Chama issue"; the poet Lumo Kolleshi on "Naim Frashëri's Qerebelan", the historian Kastriot Bezati with "Naim Frashëri and his role in Albanian literature" and the researcher Nuri Çuni, with the statement "The contribution of the Bektashi clerics in the period of the national renaissance". Subsequently, the photo exhibition was visited, "You Albania gives me honor..!"
The second day of activities continued in Frashër, at the home of the Frashëri brothers, with the placing of flower crowns by the "Frashëri Brothers" Association; World Grandmother Bektashi; Municipality Permet. Poetics with recitations by the poet Haxhi Kalluçi and various poets from Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia were followed with interest. An impressive visit was made to the Museum of the Frashëri brothers, it was discussed how Frashëri should be in the future, with a normal way to keep it alive and turn it into an important tourist place all year round. The artistic groups of the schools of Përmet and Suhareka gave special life to this historic day. Also, the Frashëri Brothers Association gave a certificate, "Honor of the Frashëri Brothers Association".
...A visit to the Frashëri teke, restored and with wonderful surroundings, made by Father Hekuran Nikollari of the Alipostivani teke. This year's Naimian Day brought some new innovations.