The World Leader holds a special meeting with Jean-Christophe Peaucelle, Ambassador, the highest French official for relations with Religions.

At noon today, the World Leader of the Bektashis, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj held a meeting at the French Foreign Ministry. He was received by Ambassador Jean-Christophe Peaucelle, in charge of religious relations.
From the very beginning, the world grandfather made an exposition of the activities of the Bektashi Holy See, focusing especially on its historic mission of achieving religious brotherhood in Albania, in the Balkans and beyond.
The ancestor continued with the idea that the Bektashi order, since its birth until today has shown only feelings of human unity, devotion to the Creator and has realized a wonderful coexistence with every community around the world.
Ambassador Peaucelle’s interest in the Holy See’s relations with foreign countries and foreign religious mechanisms Baba Mondi responded: “Since the Bektashi World Center is located in Tirana, we are aware of our historic mission. We strive every day to have truly fraternal relations with all religious organizations and states, which at their core aim at universal peace, religious and human freedoms for the prosperity of the nations. We have been and remain promoters of human freedom but always in war incompatible with any kind of political Islam, radicalism or terrorism. We are one, we believe in one God and we have thousands of motives that unite us, seeing nothing that separates us. “
For his part, Ambassador Peaucelle expressed satisfaction with these attitudes and praised the Bektashi activity in every such community from Turkey to the United States. He appreciated the wise and prudent opinion of the world leader being confident in supporting this Tariqat.
The meeting was also attended by Thomas Berlin, director of the department for the Balkans during the winter at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France.