Today, February 22, 2022, the Bektashi community commemorates the 106th anniversary of the birth of Dede Ahmeti, the former Bektashi World Leader.
Ahmet Ahmataj was born in Brataj, Vlora, on February 22, 1916. In his hometown, in the period 1924-1929, he completed the civic school. During the years 1930 - 1937 he did various jobs in the family and with others. During this time, he developed a desire to become acquainted with Bektashism, while he went to several tekkes where he saw and learned about the life of the clergy and the Bektashi doctrine. Before reaching the age of soldier, he went to the tekke of Plashnik in Berat to dress as a dervish.
On March 25, 1937, a soldier went to the district of Dibra and, after being released, dressed as a dervish in the tekke of Bllaca of Baba Xhemali. He stayed there until 1939. After that, until 1942, he served in several other tekkes, such as that of Baba Muharrem in Elbasan, in Turan of Tepelena, in Vlora, etc. From 1942 to May 1944, he fought in the ranks of the National Liberation Army for the expulsion of the country's enemies, enlisted in the 18th Brigade, in the partisan battalions of Martanesh, Peza, Kavaja and Elbasan. In 1943 he was interned in Porto - Romano of Durrës. After being released from prison, he joined the Shijak partisan gang where he was seriously injured. In this grave condition, he asks his comrades to destroy him so that he does not fall into the hands of the enemy.
With the liberation of the country, during 1945, he served as a father in the tekke of Baba Hamiti in Elbasan and later went to the tekke of Kuzum Baba in Vlora, where he served until 1948. In the same year he was appointed to the high post of Grandfather. Bektashi World Cup in Tirana. He served in this position until 1958.
Under the leadership of Grandfather Dede Ahmeti, Bektashism in Albania developed even more. Several new tekkes were opened in Vlora, Durrës, Berat, Shkodër, as well as the ears of 7-8 dervishes, translated many Bektashi literature, etc. In 1954, the dervishes he wore, took him as a soldier and closed the tekke of Kuzum Babai in Vlora, on the pretext that it was needed as a strategic military point.
Dede Ahmeti was a cleric with rare Bektashi features. He followed in the footsteps of Haxhi Bektash Veliu and Ballëm Sultan, preaching wisdom, human love for man, virtue, boundless love for the homeland. His sweet Bektashi chirping touched the hearts of thousands of people, believers, benefactors all over the country and the world. Remaining a living mirror of pride, oratory and love for the path of Haxhi Bektash Veliu.
In August 1958, until 1967, Dede Ahmeti was interned in Drizar of Mallakastra together with his loyal dervishes Reshat Brdhin. Drizar tekke has been uninhabited, but his work together with dervish Reshati, gave light to this tekke. Although far away it gathered hundreds of people, benevolent believers. From 1967 to 1980, when his heart stopped beating, he recognized only persecution from the savage dictatorship, but the apprentice of Haxhi Bektash Veliu remained alive in his heart, the believers, to the only spiritual son who followed him in every step of his life and work, Reshat Bardhi, who later became the World Leader of the Bektashis.
Dede Ahmet Ahmataj was a rare cleric a devout cleric his sermon will always be heard in the lives of lives.
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