Today, the 75th anniversary of the death of former Bektashi World Leader Xhaferr Sadik Dede

Today marks an important event for millions of Bektashi believers around the world, the anniversary of the death of the well-known cleric of this faith, former Bektashi World Leader Xhaferr Sadik Dede. Xhaferr Sadik Dede passed away on August 8, 1945. “In the history of over eight hundred years of Bektashism, among many clerics who have contributed to the protection and spread of this faith, Xhaferr Sadik Dede has an important place of a time he was also the World Leader of Bektashism. The former World Leader of Bektashism, Xhaferr Sadik Dede remains an example of dedication and tireless work for this faith and is honored and respected by millions of believers around the world “- affirms the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.
Former World Leader of the Bektashis Xhafer Sadik Dede, originally from the city of Gjirokastra, was born in 1874, in the noble Baboçi family, with well-known Bektashi traditions. His parents nurtured him with love for God and homeland and gave him love and kindness by elevating his soul. Since childhood, his parents took him on visits and pilgrimages to the tekkes of Gjirokastra, such as Zall, Hajdarie, Melani, etc. After finishing school in his hometown, at the request of his parents, he acquired religious knowledge at the Zall tekke, where he became a myhib and dressed as a dervish. Around 1902 he went to Haxhi Bektash in the capital of Bektashism Turkey. It is prepared there in the school of this center. Visited the holy places of the East such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt. Then he comes to Përmet and serves in the old tekke of this city. He supported all patriots in the cause of national liberation in the years 1908-1912. His tekke waited and escorted the freedom fighters. He cooperated closely with the tekke of Alipostivani with father Hajdari, father Abedini of Frashër etc.… He actively participates in the rallies of the abbey in Përmet with prominent clerics father Abedini of the tekke of Frashër and father Abdullai of the tekke of Alipostivan. He expanded the Tekmet of Përmet and increased the properties and brought many people and intellectuals closer, becoming famous in Përmet and the whole area of ​​the South. His contribution to the National Renaissance is great not only in Përmet, but also in Tepelena, Gjirokastra where he was present at every event of the fight for freedom and independence. For his contribution as a distinguished cleric, for the national cause, for his tireless work and devotion to Bektashism, the Clerical Council elected him the World Leader of the Bektashis in 25. IV. 1945. He worked as Grandfather for four months contributing at home and abroad until August 8, 1945 when he passed away. He organized and directed the Holy See in all its national and international activities with dedication as a trained clergyman. But unfortunately a fatal accident happened to him on the Tirana-Elbasan road, where he was with a service in the Bektashi Dedelik of Elbasan. He was seriously injured and died at the hospital in Tirana. His remains are buried in the  shrine of the Dedelers in the Bektashi World Headquarters. After his death he was decorated by the President of the Republic of Albania in 1993 with the Order for “Patriotic Activities of Class I”. He remains a prominent cleric of Bektashism for his religious and patriotic contribution and we commemorate him today with special reverence and respect from all Bektashi believers and beyond.

By Nuri Çuni

In the framework of the 75th anniversary of the death of the former Bektashi World Leader, Xhaferr Sadik Dede, today at the Holy See of the World Headquarters, there are receptions and other activities dedicated to this memorial. Expectations start at 10 a.m. on August 8, 2020. You are welcome!

Bektashi World Grandfather
His Grace
Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj

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