Today, the 86th birthday of the former Bektashi World Leader, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi

March 4, 2021, marks the 86th anniversary of the birthday of the Bektashi World Leader, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi, the cleric who has the merit of reviving Bektashism, after the political changes of 1990 in Albania. This day is commemorated with respect by the Bektashi believers in the Holy See, in our Headquarter and tekkes inside and outside Albania and by the millions of Bektashi believers and benefactors of this faith in the world.
On this marked date, the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, among other things, states: “” With his characteristic wisdom and knowledge, Dervish Reshat Bardhi knew how to convey to us, the purest messages of mystical orientation , aware of our tomorrow. With an incomparable education, with the gentleness of the soul and the eyes, he was able to open the doors of our souls, to let flow within them, the divine love and greatness of the Ahl al-Bayt. “
Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi was born on March 4, 1935 in the village of Lusën in Kukës. In 1944 his family came to Tirana. Reshat Bardhi attends school there, as well as takes religious lessons. When he was 14 years old, he visited the Bektashi World Headquarters and has settled there since that time. At the age of 18 he became a dervish and served as a guide in the Holy See of the Headquarter. In the years 1958-1967, together with the World Grandfather, Dede Ahmet Myftari, was interned by the communist dictatorship in Drizar of Mallakastra. During the ten years of exile, this tekke became the World Center of Bektashism. Believers from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro came there illegally. From 1967 to 1990, with the banning of religion and the closure of places of worship, Reshat Bardhi did forced labor on the farm, followed in the footsteps of the infamous state security and under psychological and physical terror. His apartment in Tirana turns into an illegal center for keeping Bektashism alive. With a group of devout Bektashi believers, on March 22, 1991, the day of the feast of Sultan Nowruz, the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters was reopened, with the participation of Mother Teresa. The VI World Bektashi Congress, held in 1993, unanimously elects him to head the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters. On March 22, 1991, Dede Reshat Bardhi received at the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters, Mother Teresa and some “sisters” of her Order from Colombia and Spain. In November 1991, together with the first Albanian Muslim pilgrims, he went to Mecca. It is received there by the highest religious authorities of Saudi Arabia. As a rule, he receives the title “Hajj”. In February 1992 he went to the Bektashi community in Detroit, USA, where he was received by Baba Rexhebi, as well as high religious personalities of other faiths. Father Rexhebi established the first Bektashi tekke in Detroit, Michigan and kept Bektashism alive. He congratulated him on the high post, introducing him to the local American authorities. In May 1993 he was received by the former Alevi-Bektashi leader of Turkey, Mr. Bedri Nuyan, who organized a meeting with senior religious representatives of Istanbul and Izmir. In August 1993 he visited the tekke-museum of Haxhi Bektash Veliu in Turkey, where he was received by thousands of Bektashi believers from the Asian part of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, etc. He was also received at a special lunch by the Mayor of the city Haxhi Bektash. Since 1991, in the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters, Dede Reshat Bardhi has received at every religious holiday, the President, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Albanian Parliament, the ministers and all the ambassadors of the diplomatic corps accredited in Tirana. In 1994-1995 he went twice to Iran, where he was received by the top leader of the Ahl al-Bayt foundation, Mr. Hossein Miri, as well as senior religious figures from Iran, India and Kuwait. In March 2001 he was invited to a special audience by Pope John Paul II at the Vatican, congratulating him on keeping the Bektashi order alive during the communist regime. In August 2002, Haji Bektash, Turkey, was received, among others, by the Turkish Prime Minister, Ecevit, who congratulated him on his noble mission. In October 2002, he attended the OSCE-ODIR International Conference in Azerbaijan, where he greeted on behalf of the Bektashis. In October 2003 he was invited to the Vatican, where he attended the consecration ceremony of Mother Teresa, with religious leaders from all over the world. He visit again Pope John Paul and high Catholic religious authorities. In February 2004 he participated in the World Conference on Peace and Tolerance, organized by the Ecumenical Party and the “Appeal of Conscience” foundation. His speech at this event is greeted with applause. In April 2004 he participated in the Alevi-Bektashi symposium in Germany. Greetings on behalf of the Bektashi Community. In October 2005 he received in Tirana, on the occasion of the VIII World Congress of Bektashis, the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, Mr. Atilla Koç, the Mayor of Nevshehir, and the Mayor of the city, Haxhi Bektash. In December 2005 he greets in Prishtina the Congress of the Albanian League in the World. Received by the Minister of Culture of Kosovo, Mr. Astrit Haraçia. In May 2006 he received at the Holy See of the World Headquarters in Tirana, the Secretary of the Vatican City, Mr. Giovanni Lajola. Among other things, he said: “You are the Pope of the Bektashis!”. In June 2006, the World Leader Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi received the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament, Mr. Bylent Arinc, at the Holy See in Tirana. He hands over to the Supreme Leader the decoration “For outstanding peace services” of the Turkish Parliament. In August 2006, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi, participated in the World Conference of Religious Leaders in Kyoto, Japan. He met there with the most prominent religious personalities of the world. In July 2007, he was received in Pristina by Mr. Kushner. On the occasion of the re-establishment of the Gjakova tekke, he received the European representative in Kosovo, Mr. Joakin Ryker. In October 2007, at the head of a Bektashi delegation, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi was received in Istanbul by the Muslim leader of Turkey, Prof. Ali Bartokogly and the Chief Mufti of Istanbul Mustafa Cagrici. In November 2007 he participated in the World Conference on Interreligious Harmony in Ohrid, Macedonia. Welcomes this Conference and is received there by the Prime Minister of Macedonia, Mr. Gruevski. In June 2008, the World Leader was invited to Ankara by the Muslim leader of Turkey, Prof. Ali Bartakogly. He took part in the decoration ceremony of the Mystical Music Ensemble, as well as prayed in Koxha, the mosque of Ankara. It is also expected of Muslim theologian leaders. In September 2008 he was received in Tirana by the Prime Minister of Turkey Taip Erdogan. On October 13, 2009, he was received by Canadian Senator Noel A. Kirsella, during his visit to Tirana. In May 2010, in Çorum, Turkey, he was received by the Turkish Minister of State and awarded the Symbolic Statue of Peace, for his outstanding contribution to religious tolerance. After a serious illness, Dede Reshati passed away on April 2, 2011. Haji Dede Reshat Bardhi has been praised by high world personalities, such as US President George W. Bush, in connection with the attitude towards the terrorist act of September 11 in the US, by Pope John Paul II, during the World Conference on Dialogue for the Good of Peace, in January 2002.
He was honored in 1993 by President Berisha with the title “Torch of Democracy”. In 2005, President Moisiu decorated him with the “Golden Naim Frashëri Order”.
In April 2010, President Topi decorated him with the High Order “Gjergj Kastriot Skënderbeu”, “Honor of the Nation”.
In September 2015, President Nishani decorated him with the “National Flag” decoration. He was declared an “Honorary Citizen” of Tirana, Berat, Kruja, Kavaja, Bulqiza, Martanesh, Kukes, Mallakastra, Gjirokastra, Durres, Elbasan and the Albanian Diaspora.

Dede Reshati writes about Dede Ahmeti:
“I knew him when I was 17 years old. He entered my life and will remain there, until my last breath. He took me by the hand and introduced me to the bright path of Bektashism, to the path illuminated by our Piri Haxhi Bektash Veliu. Dede Ahmet Myftari has been and remains a heavy stone in the foundations of Albanian and world Bektashism. With his wisdom, ingenuity, courage, this devout cleric for ten years in a row, carried on his shoulders a series of problems, which faced our pure Bektashism. He never cried, never complained, never let himself down even in the most difficult situations. In particular, his courage and bravery shone during the difficult years of internment in the village of Drizar in Mallakastra. Dede Ahmeti’s resistance rarely appeared there. The small tekke of Drizari, that lost place between fairy tales and endless drizzles, with its irreplaceable role, with almost divine responsibility, became the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters. ”

Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj:
“Dede Reshat Bardhi, is the cleric who has great merits not only for the revival of Bektashism after the political changes in Albania in 1990, but also for the establishment and functioning of Bektashi institutions and the expansion and spread of this faith in Albanian lands and in world where the practitioners and believers of this peaceful sect live, With its characteristic wisdom and knowledge, Dervish Reshat Bardhi knew how to convey to us, the purest messages of mystical orientation, aware of our future. With an incomparable education, with the gentleness of the soul and the eyes, he was able to open the doors of our souls, to let flow within them, the divine greatness of the Ahl al-Bayt. ”

Prepared by: Nuri Çuni
                     Kujtim Boriçi.