Today, the day of the pilgrimage to the Gjormi tekke in Kurbin

Today is the day of the traditional annual pilgrimage to the Gjormi tekke in Kurbin, a pilgrimage which coincides with the 228th anniversary of the founding of this famous tekke.
Gjormi Tekke is located in Gjorm village, Laç Administrative Unit, Kurbin Municipality. It was founded around 1793 by Hatemi Hajdar Babai (Kërçini), who was a close friend of Baba Shememi from Kruja. Latter , he had returned to the tekke of Qoprilia, in Yugoslavia, from where he wrote a letter to the parish of the city of Kruja and then, the two came to Kruja. Thus, in 1793, father Shemimi founded the famous tekke of Fushë-Krujë and Hatemi Hajdar Babai, that of Gjorm. Both of these Bektashi clerics took their lessons in the Hajj Bektash of Turkey, where they learned theology and wore the uniform of a Bektashi cleric. They both had a tragic death. Father Shemimi was killed and Father Hatemi Hajdar was poisoned by opponents of Bektashism. His path was continued by his younger brother, father Sulejmani. One of his children, Dervish Sulejmani, became a dervish and continued the path of Hatemia and Sulejmani's father.
In this tekke, the clerics served:Father Hatemi Hajdar, father Sulejmani and dervish Sulejmani. In their honor, the people of Gjorm build two tombs: the Tomb of Hatemi Babai and the tomb of the dervish Suleiman, calling them the ‘great tomb’ and the small tomb.
Among other things, Hatemi Hajdar Father has left some interesting poems in Turkish. Here are some verses from this written wealth:
"I am Abdall, a humble man, my Shah is Ali."
I do not need others, when Ali is my arm, /
All the lamentations I make, my soul is Ali, /
The place of Kibbles Muhammad, of humility is Ali. ”
After 1944, dervishe Muharrem Aliaj also served in this tekke. The tekke and tombs were demolished in 1967 and rebuilt after 1990 by residents of Gjorm village.

Prepared by:
                    N. Çuni
                    K. BORIÇI