Today we remember the passage from the life of Imam Ali

Imam Ali is the son of Abu Talib, the son of Abdyl Mytallib, from the Hashim tribe. He is the first Imam and the father of 12 Imams. There are many adjectives and titles, for which the most mentioned are: Myrteza, Hajdër, Essedull-llah, Galip, Abu Turaba, Shahi Merdan, Shiri Jezdan and Shahi Vilajet. Imam Ali was born 11 years before the Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad, that is, 23 years before the emigration, on March 22, 600 AD, which is the great day of Nowruz, the 13th of the Moon of Arab Month Rexhep, on Friday. He was born inside the Divine House Kaaba. This was also confirmed by Qashfi, saying: “The obligation to visit the Ka’bah was done only because Ali, the son of Abu Talib, was born. He is the fourth son of Abu Talib. His mother is called Fatima, the daughter of Assad Hashim. After the honorable Khadijah, he is the second to confirm and believe in the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, then 13 years old. When the Prophet Muhammad emigrated to Medina, Imam Ali left him in Mecca and ordered him to sleep in his bed, leaving him some wills for the faithful who remained there. The next day, after giving the orders, without noticing the Myshriks (opponents), he left for Medina with all the children. … In all the wars that took place in the time of Hazrat Muhammad, he was distinguished for his bravery which was confirmed by the Divine word: “There is no brave except Ali, no sword except Zylfikar!”; In the battle of Yhyd alone, he received 16 severe wounds. In this war, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came down to Jibreel, in the siege, and said to him: “Call Ali for help and teach Nadi Ali for the first time.”
In most of the wars, he has been a flag bearer. For the merits of Imam Ali, there are many glorious Qur’anic verses and innumerable prophetic words. After the assassination of Uthman in the 35th year of emigration, he was unanimously elected Imam, Caliph. First of all, Telhaj and Zyberi shook hands and confirmed it. As historians write, Imam Ali left no way and no effort to stop the bloodshed and murder, but this was impossible. After a while, from the foxes and intrigues plotted by the wicked Mavije, the son of Abu Sufyan, Telhaj and Zyber broke the promise by taking Aisha with them and went to Basra to gather power, claiming that they would seek the blood of Uthman, which was completely inappropriate. Imam Ali meets Abu-Ayyub Ansar for the first time, to advise him to give up this brother-killing. But alas, it was not possible to convince them. So he sent some other delegates and, finally, Imam Hasan, but even that was in vain. Krisi war, in which Telhaj, Zyber and Aisha were killed was taken prisoner. She sent Aisha to Madinah through her brother Muhammad, the son of Abu Bakr. This war is called the war of Qomel (of the Camel). The accursed Mavi, took the opportunity and gathered a large force with the slogan (“We demand the blood of Uthman!”) And attacked the city of Qofa, which Imam Ali had made the capital. Imam Ali sent delegates several times so as not to cause the Muslims to kill each other, but it was impossible for him to give up, as he was pushed by the accursed, Amri Beni Asi.
Imam Ali sent an army under the command of the loyal and great Maliq Ashder, who defeated the army of Mavija. But Mavija, in addition to mobilizing a large army, also captured the water of the Euphrates River, so that the army of the Imams would not drink water. In the year 30 of the emigration, the bloody war began, in the place called Saffejn. The war lasted 100 days in a row, in which more than 90 battles took place. 25,000 people were killed by the Imam’s army and 45,000 by the army of the accursed. The death toll in this battle was 70,000. In these battles many of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, have been killed. Among them are Amr, the son of Yasir, about whom the Prophet Muhammad, in his lifetime, said: “Amr will be martyred by a rebellious army, which has nothing to do with the Muslim faith!” ”
When the army of the accursed Mavije learned that Amri, the son of Yasir, had fallen a martyr at their hands, they began to disperse and went to desert. But the accursed one, with his vile tricks, persuaded them by telling them some lies.
… In the year 38 of the emigration, the war began and ended with the destruction of all the ‘Harrixhinj’, most of whom were killed. Those who remained fled. Mawiya and his delegate Amr did not leave the devil unused, and Imam Ali followed in the footsteps of Hazrat Muhammad precisely because he is the only man in the world who has not lied to anyone to benefit politically or economically. Imam Ali always tried to persuade Mawiya with advice and letters, while Mawiya with his foxes, sent people to Egypt, Hijaz, Yemen and other countries and lied to them with the promise of ranks and money.
..In year 40 of the 19th emigration, day of Ramadan, being Imam Ali in the mosque of Qofa and praying breakfast, with a poisoned sword fell the criminal, named Bdurr-rrahman Mylxhemi and severely wounded him. Two days after this wound he passed away.
Imam Ali was generous, just, judgmental, wise and very merciful, smiling face, brave, knowledgeable, orator, poet. In his time according to our belief, there was not and will not be on the face of the earth a man who has summed up all the virtues as His person. There are many good works of miracles and Holiness, of which only a few are published and others are preserved by his faithful who preserve and respect them as today and after.
Imam Ali was 63 years old when he was martyred.

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