The bektashi literature is made of verses (nefeses) written by the clerics or bektashi laics in which they express spiritual love for God.
Father Rexhep

Yunus Emre
Is from Anadoll of Turkey and is one of the most notable bektashi poets. He lived in the time of Hajji Bektash and is known for the books “Divan”, “Risaletun Nushiyye”

Kajgusez Sultan
Was born in Anadoll. He took the philosophic and religious studies from Musa Sulltan. Later on he went to Cajro where he founded a famous tekke. His best work is the compilation with mystical verses “Divani”.

Lived and acted near the tekke of Imam Husayn.
His works:
Turkish: “Divan”, “Beng u Bade”, “Hadikat us-Sueda”, “Dastan-I Leyli vu Mecnun”, “Risale-i Muammeyat”, “Sikayetname”
Persian: “Divan”, “Anisol-qalb”, “Haft Jam”, “Rend vaZahed”, “Resale-e Muammeyat”, “Sehhat o Ma’ruz”
Arabic: “Divan”, “Matla’ ul-i’tiqad ”

Lived during the XIV-XV century. He is a notable poet and his poetries will be known in the whole world. He is known as one of the greatest poet of the bektashi who continued the path of Muhedin Arabi.
His mot well-known works are: “Divan” in turkish, “Divan” in rsi, “Mukaddimetu’lHakaayik”

Pir Sulltan Abdalli
Lived during the XV century. He is one of the greatest bektashi poets and was killed cruelly because he mentioned Imam Ali in his verses.

Shah Ismail (Hatai)
Lived in the XVI century. His origin is from prophetic family and is known with a compilation of poetries “Divan”
Sejjid Ali Sulltan
Dervish and persian poet of the XIV century. He came in Ballkan and created the famous tekke of Dimoteka.
Viran Father
He is accepted to have lived in the end of the XVI century and in the beginning of XVII century.
His mot well-known works are: “Divani” (nefese) dhe “Viran-i Risalesi”. He served near the tekke of Imam Ali.