On June 15th 1826, the military cantonment was burned down before the night came, the rebellion janissary troops were disappeared from earth. The estimate number of this battle was 400 dead janissaries; some other thousands were executed in different towns of the Empire. The janissary troops had come to the end. Even their name was declared outlaw. The destruction of those troops that called themselves “the Boys of Hajji Bektash”, surely would weigh on the bektashi tekkes also. The Sultan ordered to control the bektashi tekkes and to close them....

John Kingsley Birge

The Greeks and the rebellions in the (1914) destroyed the Albanian Bektashi worse than Sultan Mahmut (100) years arlier; All of this catastrophe, all of this misery was done because Albanian bektashi were patriots and as people had liberal thoughts. There were eighty (80) tekkes that were destroyed and burned from the hands of Greek and rebellion hands. The bektashi catastrophe on 1914, will remain as a very painful and unforgotten event.

Father Ali Tomorri

The dispute of the bektashi tarikat in Epir has been very hard during the events that happened after the Balkan war. Many tekkes were burned down and most of those that were not burned were robbed by Greeks. In order to justify those actions, the Greeks said that the bektashi believers have been a support of the Albanian National Movement and that many tekkes have refuged the Albanian rebels.


On November 20th 1925, the Law no. 677 was approved by the Great National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey, that closed all the tekkes and zaviyes. It was prohibited to exercise the functions that were connected to the titles "Sheh, Father, Sheit, Murshid, Dede, Çelebi and Halife". Some activities such as reading the future, magics, dua, bringing news from the invisible world that were influencing in the growth of the faith, were prohibited. All of the tombs of the Sultans and the tombs that were connected to the faith were declared closed. They were put sanctions of three months of imprisonment and not less than 40 lira penalty. For everyone that was breaching the law.

John Kingsley Birge

Persecuted by Greek andarts

Father Hafiz, killed
Dervish Muharrem Zhulali
Rushid Rabija
Ferhat Kalanderi, Zabërzan
Father Shemshedin, Tekke of Frashër, died in Vlorë
Father Shaban Prishta, died in tekke of Egypt

Persecuted by rebels 1914-1915

Father Sulejman Tetova, tekke Barmash, killed
Father Meçua, Krujë


Sali Njazi Dede, killed on 1941
Dede Abaz. Suicided on 1947.
Dede Kamberi. Punished with 15years in prison on 1945, died in Tiirana’s prison on 1950.
Dede Ahmeti. Exiled on 1958 with 10 years in Drizar, Mallakastër.
Dede Reshat Bardhi. Exiled on 1958 with 10 years in Drizar, Mallakastër

Fathers, imprisend, shooted, exiled dervishes.

Killed during the 2nd World War:

Father Murati of tekke of Frashër, killed on 1943.
Father Zylfua of tekke of Korça, killed on 1943.
Father Femi of tekke of Vrëpcka Korçë, killed on 1944.
Dervish Ali Koçiaj, killed on 1944.

Shooted and suicided:

Father Qamil Gllava, shooted on 1945.
Father Xhelo Gllava, executed on 1946.
Father Ali Tomorri, of tekke of Zalli, executed on 1947.
Father Habib, shooted on 1948.
Father Shefqet Koshtani, shooted on 1948.
Father Bedri Carkanji, of tekke of Brerim, Skrapar, executed on 1948.
Father Mustafa Canaj, arrested on 1944. Punished with life imprisonment and passed away in prison on 1952.
Father Myrteza Paja, arrested on 1947.  Suicided.
Father Hajro Progonati, Suicided.
Father Mehmet of Kreshova, Suicided.
Father Bektash Sevasteri, Suicided. 

Imprisoned and died in prison:

Father Muço of Prishta, died in the prison of Burrel on 1950.
Father Sami of Kulmak, died in exile.
 Father Bajram Mahmutaj, punished with 15 years prison and 30 years exile.
 Father Paja,Tomorricë, imprisoned.
 Father Ilmiu, Tomorricë, imprisoned.
 Father Halim Therepeli, imprisoned.
 Father Mehmeti, of tekke of Frashër, imprisoned.
 Father Sulo, Kryegjyshatë, imprisoned.
 Father Islam Leskoviku, imprisoned.
Father Abdulla Kruja, imprisoned.
Dervish Hysni Rehova, imprisoned.
Dervish Nebi Shënepremtja, imprisoned.
Dervish Tashja (Isufi), imprisoned.
Dervish Bajram Çerçizi, imprisoned.
Dervish Hysni, imprisoned.
Dervish Meta Vërleni, imprisoned.
Father Hilmi Shëmbërdhenji, arrested on 1946, punished with 15 years imprisonment.
Father Sami Kamthi, punished with 15 years imprisonment and exile.  
Father Halem Hoxha on 1948, punished one year, confiscation of gold.
Father Dule Manaj  on 1947, punished three months, confiscation of 529 dollars
Father Tahir Kuç of prison, 10000 gold fraga penalty and confiscation of 2400 Albanian fraga.
Dervish Teki Plashniku, imprisoned. 
Grandfather Rustem Melçani, imprisoned.
Dervish Ali Korça, imprisoned.
Father Jonuz of Greshica, imprisoned.
Father Qazimi of Devoll. imprisoned.
Father Muharrem Agushi, Kreshova, imprisoned.
Father Ismail Jangulli.


Father Selim Kaliçani, exiled.
Father Shabani, exiled.
Father Sherif Canometaj, exiled.