May 15, International Family Day, the cell of creating a clean and prosperous society

The UN has declared May 15 as International Family Day, in order to raise awareness of family problems and issues and to help these issues gain an important role around the world.
The purpose of marking International Family Day is to promote the family and its values, promote equality between women and men in the family, protect the family as the basic unit of society, and help families fulfill their responsibility to the community.
This year’s global theme is “Inclusive Families and Societies”, which will examine the role of families and family policies in advancing the 16th UN objective.
The Bektashi World Headquarters is supportive of the family, of peaceful relations between its members, of professional equality and rights between spouses, of parental commitment to children. A peaceful relationship between husband and wife and kindness through family upbringing creates a society with high moral values, a better society and generations with high values.
This day is a bell of unity and union among family members, of love and kindness and the continuation of healthy relationships for a sustainable development and inclusive society.
Belief in God and the Bektashi World Headquarters value the family, elevate its role in society, and promote healthy values for sustainable development.
Best wishes and blessings on this prosperous day for families around the world!